
Cristòfol isn’t my name, but it would be if I’d been born where I’ve been living for the last thirty years. Tòfol is the diminutive of Cristòfol—in English the diminutive of the equivalent name would be the first syllable rather than the last two.

Degrowth communism is my response to what the United Nations calls the ‘triple planetary crisis’ of climate change, pollution, and biodiversity loss. I’ve recently heard degrowth communism called climate Maoism—these both signify the coercive decommissioning of fossil fuel capitalism, and with this the coercive decommissioning of capitalism itself.

I am pseudoanonymous, but am no less real for it. The links on my front page point to other names I’ve used in the past—Dr. Kristau, and Lapis Alienus. Cristau is the Occitanian equivalent of Cristòfol, and Kristau is Basque for ‘Christian’. Lapis Alienus is a Latin calque of ‘Stone Alien’.